Modern style in decoration: simple and elegant

If you love spaces free of objects and ornaments, simple lines, and earth tones, then you are reading the right article. The perfect style for you is Modern.

What is the Modern style?

que es el estilo moderno y cuales son sus características

The Modern style mixes industrial and minimalist styles, turning your spaces into elegant and powerful rooms.

Today we present the 5 keys for you to delve into the culture of modernist decoration and renew the atmosphere of your spaces. Shall we start?

Characteristics of the Modern style

líneas simples en el estilo moderno

1. Simple Lines

Use furniture with simple lines, without abstract or complex shapes. The modern style is characterized by its simplicity and minimalism.

tonos claros en estilo moderno

2. Light Tones

As for colors, use neutral and light shades. Don’t overlay dark colors that may be aggressive to the style, as they will break the magic that it holds.

luz natural en estilo moderno

3. Natural Light

Natural light is a must-have for this modernist style. Whether you live in an apartment or a house, make sure it has large windows that allow natural light to enter. Don’t be afraid to use curtains with little opacity, they will provide a very elegant touch.

materiales imprescindibles del estilo moderno

4. Essential Materials

Light cotton, brown leather, and rattan. Combine it with dark-toned varnished woods, they will provide a touch of sophistication to your look. For dining rooms, we recommend brown leather sofas, with wooden armchairs and cushions in neutral tones.

naturaleza en estilo moderno

5. Nature

Plants, flowers, and modernist decorations. Use minimalist centerpieces, simple lines, and discreet decorations. Remember that the modern style stands out for being subtle and elegant, without excess or aggressive colors.

If you liked this style, you can see all the Modern style furniture we have in our store.

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