Farmhouse style in decoration: warm and cozy

Have you ever dreamed of living in a country house like in the movies? Well, you’re in luck because we’re going to introduce you to Farmhouse style, with which you can transform your home into a rustic style.

What is Farmhouse style?

que es el estilo farmhouse y cuales son sus características

This decorative style is based on old farms and country houses in the United States. It is a rustic and comfortable design style that has been taking over our Instagram and Pinterest feeds for some time now.

People choose to decorate their homes in Farmhouse style because the rustic interior provides a warm and cozy feeling. In addition, this style of decoration adds a traditional touch to the furniture.

Do you want to know what are its decorative keys? We’ll explain them to you right now.

Characteristics of Farmhouse style:

muebles de madera, funcionales y rústicos del estilo farmhouse

1. Functional and rustic wooden furniture

Most rural houses are mainly built of wood, so this material has a lot of prominence in this style, and it is used wherever possible. Not only on the floor, but also on the walls and ceilings. In addition, space on farms is limited, so the furniture are simple and functional.

colores blanco y beige y toques con turquesa en estilo farmhouse

2. White and beige with turquoise colors

The star colors are white and beige because they bring a lot of light to the home. They are also often combined with other more muted colors such as turquoise, lilac, or pale yellow.

atmósfera de campo y formas singulares en la decoración farmhouse

3. Countryside atmosphere and unique shapes

As we explained earlier, Farmhouse style is inspired by the old country houses of American farmers, so it is common to see high ceilings with wooden beams, lofts like attics, and walls and floors covered in wooden slats.

muchas flores y vegetación en el estilo farmhouse

4. Lots of flowers and greenery

Whether in colorful natural bouquets, dried flowers as ornaments or prints, flowers cannot be missing in a decoration of this natural style.

decoración auténtica en el estilo farmhouse

5. Authentic decoration

Just like in Wabi sabi style, the authenticity of the worn appearance and the passage of time is highly valued. If your child has scratched the dining table, don’t worry, it could become a beautiful family memory.

If you liked this style, you can check out all the Farmhouse style furniture we have in our store

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