How to decorate a baby’s room?

With the arrival of a new addition to the family, parents get excited about all the preparations, especially for the decoration of the bedroom and want it to be the most special one.

But having to cover several details to achieve a space that is not only cosy, but also functional and safe, some parents feel disoriented. That is why in this post we offer you important tips on how to decorate a baby room with creative and practical ideas in terms of colour, lighting, furniture and other details that will make it possible to achieve the warm atmosphere you want.

How to design your baby’s room?

There are simple and basic guidelines when deciding how to design a baby’s room, with essential elements to achieve a relaxed and organised space that also has a decoration capable of evolving and remaining comfortable and functional for as long as possible.

This way we tell you step by step how to plan the decoration of the baby’s room:

conoce el espacio de tu habitación de bebé

1. Knowing the space

It is essential to know the size of the room in order to make an adequate distribution of all the furniture and accessories that will make up the decoration.

It is highly recommended to draw up a simple floor plan, including the location of windows, doors and other structural components and to imagine how the decorative elements and furniture will be placed, as a way of visualising the space they will occupy.

elige el color de tu habitación de bebé

2. Choosing the colour

When choosing colours, both the size and the brightness of the baby’s room should always be taken into consideration. If the space is small and with little natural light, it is advisable to use shades in the beige or white palette, to provide luminosity and spaciousness. While pastel colours are perfect for large, well-lit spaces.

Carpets and fabrics should be chosen first, as they are easier to combine with the tone chosen for the walls.

Also, take into consideration that colours are associated with certain moods, therefore, they are capable of producing stimuli of excitement or relaxation in the newborn.

aporta estilo con vinilos decorativos en habitación de bebé

3. Add style with vinyls

To create a focal wall, vinyl is an easy to install resource, which also allows you to change the decoration frequently. You can use animal, landscape or geometric stickers in the baby’s room, generally behind the cot.

mobiliario para habitación de bebé

4. Furniture

In this aspect, how to decorate a baby’s room, you should choose furniture that provides practicality, functionality and safety, which are essential:

  • The cot: It should also fit in with the decor and the space available in the baby’s room. Generally, cots in natural wood or white work best, because they adapt to any decorative style. You can also opt for a vintage style iron cot or a wicker cot.
  • The nappy changing table: Choose a chest of drawers of a suitable height, equipped with drawers, to which a mobile changing table can be attached. This allows you to keep baby’s clothes and items close at hand and can later be used as organiser furniture.
  • Rocking chair or armchair: This is a perfect piece of furniture for breastfeeding and putting the baby to sleep comfortably. If you choose an armchair, it is preferable that it is of a neutral style, so that it can be relocated as the child grows. If there is space to spare, add a pouffe, which adds a support surface and texture to the room.
  • Wooden shelves: They are very versatile and do not take up space that could limit mobility. They complement the decoration by placing a variety of objects on them, from a decorative figure, utilitarian items or toys.. 
iluminación artificial en habitación de bebé

5. Artificial lighting

It is a very good idea to use artificial lighting with bulbs that allow you to control the colour or intensity, creating relaxing atmospheres at certain times. A decorative lamp can also be integrated to add colour to the room.

textiles en habitación de bebé

6. Textiles

Curtains, rugs, pillows and blankets should be made of soft materials, preferably natural fibres and always hypoallergenic. Children’s rugs provide a decorative touch that evokes warmth and comfort. Curtains, meanwhile, should moderate the intensity of natural light, as well as insulate from the cold outside. They should be made of a natural fibre material, so that their design and colour match the style and predominant tones.

decorar complementariamente en habitación de bebé

7. Complementary decoration

The walls in a baby’s room should be decorated by adding objects that complement the rest of the elements, that visually stimulate or represent the baby, such as cuddly toys, signs with the baby’s name or drawings. Try to place shelves or pictures away from the cot to avoid accidents.

Do you want to learn how to decorate the rest of the rooms? Visit all the other articles in our blog!

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