Boho Chic style in decoration: vegetation and warmth

Have you ever heardabout the Boho Chic style? Well, whether you have or haven’t, today we bring you the keys to this trending style.

What is the Boho Chic style?

This style was born in the 1960s with the arrival of the famous hippie style, with its ornaments, flowers, large necklaces, and sunglasses with original shapes. It is based on Bohemian decoration. But don’t be afraid, the Boho Chic style took a vertiginous turn a few years later to become the decoration icon that it is today.

que es estilo boho chic

But if we still haven’t convinced you, here are the 5 keys you’ll need to dress up your home with a current bohemian style.

Characteristics of the Boho Chic style

base colores neutros boho chic

1. Neutral color base

It’s important to dye your walls with neutral colors that bring freshness, youth, and that carefree touch to your spaces. We must keep in mind that this style thrives on the color and life that decoration elements and furniture bring, so we should bet on relaxing the wall tones so that the final result doesn’t look overloaded.

muchas plantas boho chic

2. Plenty of plants

Don’t be afraid! The more vegetation and nature, the better.

Plants are ideal for renewing the air of our spaces and filling them with harmony. We recommend placing them in living rooms, bathrooms, entrances, and kitchens. Avoid overloading bedrooms with plants, as they absorb oxygen at night and can be harmful.

cestas y sillas de mimbre para el estilo boho chic

3. Wicker in baskets, chairs, and everywhere

Yes, you heard right! Fall in love again with wicker because it’s going to become the must-have in your home. This material brings naturalness, elegance, and warmth to your spaces. But most importantly, wicker is affordable and non-polluting, as it’s made with natural materials. A great choice, right?

elementos de ganchillo para decorar en estilo boho chic

4. Crochet ornaments

Crochet is a very common ornamental element used in Boho Chic style decoration. Crochet brings warmth and tenderness to spaces as it transports us to the homes of our childhood, loaded with tapestries embroidered by our grandmothers.

retoca tu espacio boho chic con detalles de color marrón

5. Touch up your Boho Chic space with brown details

Aunque amemos los espacios blancos (sí, tú también) debemos aceptar que colocar pequeños detalles en colores tierra y marrones harán de tus espacios un lugar más que acogedor y cálido. No tengas miedo a mezclar texturas, siempre y cuando respeten nuestros colores base. Although we love white spaces (yes, you too), we must accept that placing small details in earthy and brown colors will make your spaces more cozy and warm. Don’t be afraid to mix textures as long as they respect our base colors.

If you liked this style, you can see all the Boho Chic furniture we have in our store.

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